Past Events

Past Events

Silent Retreat 15th to 18th of March 2024

Monastic Visit 2nd to 5th November 2023

Brother Sarvananda and Brother Bhimananda visited Sydney and conducted a series of weekend events in our new premises in Leichhardt, including an inaugural Dedication Ceremony.


Silent Retreat 15th to 16th of October 2023

Virtual Convocation in Katoomba 31st of July to 6th of August 2023

For the second year in a row, Sydney Centre arranged a Virtual Convocation at the same time as the SRF Convocation in Los Angeles.

We streamed all the sessions from Monday to Sunday during the week.

Each day we had a 4 hour break in the middle of the day, to allow for lunch and hiking in the beautiful mountains.

Monastic Visit 11th to 13th November 2022

Brother Jitananda (one of the monastics from Australia)  and Brother Saralananda visited Sydney in a 4 day program with Kriya initiation. 

Closing Photo on Sunday, after Kriya Review
Harbour Cruise with the brothers and 60 devotees
Devotees with Br. Jitananda, inside the boat on the harbour Cruise
Volunteers at the registration desk
Closing program included viewing the film 'Glimpses of a Life Divine'

Centre Department Visit 2020

Sydney Centre of SRF Monastic Visit Sun 1 March 2020_Br Jason_Bro Jayananda
Brother Jayananda and Brahmachari Jason visit Sydney Centre on Sunday 1 March 2020

Open House 2020

Sydney Centre held an Open House in February especially to introduce the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda to interested newcomers. This was one of our main celebratory events for the 2020 centennial of Self-Realization Fellowship.

Guests enjoyed a guided meditation followed by a short film on Paramahansa Yogananda’s early years in America. They received a gift of Autobiography of a Yogi and joined us for light refreshments afterwards.

Sydney Centre of SRF_Open House_Guided meditation
Open House Guided Meditation at Sydney Meditation Centre at the Mascot Venue

Public Lecture 2019

Sydney Centre hosted a free public lecture in April for over 200 attendees in Surry Hills. The speaker was Brother Devananda who was visiting Australia from SRF headquarters in Los Angeles accompanied by Brother Jitananda. The lecture was entitled ‘Meditation, the source of lasting joy’ and included a guided meditation.

The two monastics mingled with participants afterwards enjoying refreshments and Indian street food and answering questions about the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.

Monastic lecture NSWTF Conference Centre 2c Brother Devananda
Monastic lecture NSWTF Conference Centre 4 Brother Jitananda
Brother Jitananda talking to a devotee
Monastic lecture NSWTF Conference Centre 3 Brother Devananda
Brother Devananda talking to a devotee